Friday, March 14, 2025


Softball Information

Registration Update


Standard Registration is available from November 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. Late Registration will start January 1, 2025 and run through January 26, 2025. All age groups will begin practice in February and games will run from March to May with playoffs in May and June.

  • Blastball and Teeball registration fee will include a hat, jersey, pants, belt, and socks. Players are only responsible for their gloves, bats, and cleats.
  • All other age groups will need to get their own uniforms. (Coaches will coordinate this with their individual teams)
  • Teeball will be broken up into two age groups. Blastball 2-3 and Teeball 4-5. All T-Ball games will be played in house at Walker Hawk Sports Complex in Royse City on Saturdays with one practice a week.
  • For our Spring season, Teeball up to Softball 8U age groups will play an 8 game season plus the playoff tournaments.
  • For our Spring season, the Little League Charter 10U, 12U and 14U age groups will play a 12 game season plus playoffs.
  • 6U-8U-10U-12U-14U-15U will play all home games at Walker Hawk Sports Complex in Royse City. Away games may be in Terrell, Community, Quinlan, or Caddo Mills.
  • All games could be normally scheduled on a Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday nights or Saturday. Playoff tournaments will be scheduled for a weekend.
# Division Registration Fee Standard Late
1 Blastball 2/3 (uniforms included) $95 $115
2 Teeball 4/5/6 (uniforms included) $120 $140
3 Baseball 6U Modified Coach Pitch (uniforms extra) $115 $135
4 Baseball 8U Coach Pitch (uniforms extra) $115 $135
5 Little League Charter Baseball 10U* (uniforms extra) $135 $155
6 Little League Charter 12U* (No Registration Fee, but uniforms extra) $135 $155
7 Little League Charter 14U* (No Registration Fee, but uniforms extra) $135 $155

* These age groups will be eligible to try out for the All star team to advance to the Little League World Series (not applicable for the Fall season).

Runs allowed per inning
  • Softball | Five (5) runs per inning
  • Teeball | Six (6) runs per inning
Run rules
  • 15 runs after 3 innings
  • 8 runs after 4 innings
  • 6U and 8U | 60 minutes
  • 10U | 75 minutes
  • 12U | 90 minutes
  • Blastball and Teeball | 55 min
Coach Timeouts
  • A coach is allowed up to four (4) timeout instances per full inning.
  • A timeout would be an interuption of play such as: a mound visit, challenging an umpire's call, talking to players, etc
  • Equipment or injury timeouts are not included as part of these timeouts.
  • If an umpire deems a coach to be abusing this rule, they may require the coach to be confined within the dugout for the remainder of the game.
Additional time allowance

When within 5 minutes of the allotted game time: if the home team is behind and the top of the inning has ended, they will be given their at bet even if it goes over the alotted game time. However, if the home team is behind by more than the single inning run limit, the game will be called in favor of the visiting team.

Weather Related Disruption

When the regulation game has not reached the 50% of game play time, the game will be made up and started over as a new game.

When a regulation game has reached at least 50% of the scheduled play time and must be discontinued due to weather then the game will officially record the final score.

If a regulation game is called off due to weather:

  • the home team does not have the lead,
  • AND while an inning is in progress,
  • AND before the inning is completed,
  • AND the visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead
  • THEN final score will revert to the previous inning after the home team has completed an official inning.
  • All coaches for games and practice must be registered through the website and have succesfully completed a background check
  • The offensive team may place a coach at first base and third base
  • If an offensive coach touches a baserunning player that player will be called OUT
  • Prior to the game beginning, both teams' head coach (or the acting head coach) and the umpire shall have a home plate meeting
  • 6U | The defensive team may place one coach in the outfield and one coach in the infield, but both must remain in foul territory away from the field of play
  • 8U and under | In addition to the other offensive coaches, the coach who is pitching may also coach players from the mound
  • 8U and under | A team may have no more than five (5) coaches within the field of play for games, including warmups (the dugout is considered part of the field of play)
  • 10U | A team may have no more than four (4) coaches within the field of play for games, including warmups (the dugout is considered part of the field of play)
  • 12U and above | A team may have no more than three (3) coaches within the field of play for games, including warmups (the dugout is considered part of the field of play)
  • A team must have 7 players to begin a game (if there are not 7 players the team will have to forfeit)
  • 6U | The batter will receive 3 coach pitches. If the batter fouls off the last pitch, the continuation rule will apply (batter gets another live pitch until either a ball, hit or strike). After the coach pitches if the batter does not get a hit, they will receive one swing to attempt hitting the ball off of a tee.
  • 6U | UPDATED RULE: If a batter must use the tee, all runners will only be awarded (1) base if put in play safely.
  • 8U | The batter will receive 6 coach pitches. If the batter swings and misses 3 of the pitches, it will be a strike out. If the batter fouls off the last pitch, the continuation rule will apply (batter gets another live pitch until the ball is put in play or the batter misses or doesn’t swing at the next pitch).
  • All Ages | While running to 1st base, runners are not allowed to slide head first.
Batting | Unavailable Players

The following events will result in an automatic out for the lineup spot at their first at-bat after the event occurs, but subsequent at-bats will not be recorded as an out:

  • A player was included in the lineup but suffered an injury during the games
  • A player was included in the lineup but became ill during the games
  • Less than nine (9) players available for a lineup (requires seven (7) players to start the game)

The following events will result in an automatic out for every at-bat for the following:

  • A player was included in the lineup but was either disqualified or ejected from the game
Baserunning | Stealing
  • 08U and under | No stealing or leading off
  • 10U and under | One base allowed on 1st overthrow, Play is still live until player(s) reach next base or a player is tagged out. 2nd overthrows are not allowed.
  • All coaches for games and practice must be registered through the website and have succesfully completed a background check
  • The offensive team may place a coach at first base, third base, and home plate
  • The home plate coach may position the batter in the box
  • If an offensive coach touches a baserunning player that player will be called OUT
  • The defensive team may place one coach in the outfield and one coach in the infield
  • Prior to the game beginning, both teams' head coach (or the acting head coach) and the umpire shall have a home plate meeting
  • A team may have no more than five (5) coaches within the field of play for games, including warmups (the dugout is considered part of the field of play)
  • A team must have 7 players to begin a game (if there are not 7 players the team will have to forfeit). BATTERS 8 AND 9 MUST TAKE AN OUT!
  • Blastball Only | Each team will take turns batting through their entire bench per inning
  • Blastball Only | There will be neither outs nor runs recorded
  • Blastball Only | Each batter will swing until they are able to put the ball in play
  • Teeball Only | Batters will have 3 swings to put the ball in play
  • Teeball Only | No additional swings are awarded for foul balls
  • Blastball Only | When the last batter puts the ball into play, all players on base will run the bases to home plate
  • Teeball Only | Only one base will be allowed (at runners risk) in the event of an overthrow to any base. The play is dead when either the lead runner reaches the next base safely or the runner is tagged out.
  • Teeball Only | The lead runner may not advance beyond the base they are advancing to at the time any fielder is in the infield (on the dirt) and has possession of the ball. Possession means ball is in their glove or hand securely and not in contact with the ground.
  • Teeball Only | Runners may still be put out by fielders by either tag or force out where applicable.
  • Teeball Only | If the ball is thrown before Time is called, the overthrow rule still applies and runners may advance one additional base if this occurs (at risk, as stated above).
Defensive Play
  • The pitcher may not run down a runner going to first base. The pitcher must throw (or toss) the ball to 1st base. Rolling the ball to 1st will NOT be allowed.
  • The pitcher may run down a runner going to any other base or home plate
  • The pitcher may start play within one step (in either direction) of the pitching rubber
  • The catcher must wear a catchers helmet
  • The infielders must start play beyond an imaginery line between 1st base and 3rd base
  • The outfielders must start play in the outfield grass (where applicable)
Bat Weights:

14U and under | should have USA or USSSA stamp


No specific stamp (NFHS or otherwise) is required on balls, gloves, bats, or any other equipment.

Casts on the field

Players wearing a cast may not participate during games or practice. Players must remain in the dugout during play or drills.

How soon must I submit a formal protest?

A protest must be sent in immediately following a game's completion. A protest will not be accepted for investigation if the protest is submit after the next game in the division (age bracket and sport) has begun.

What part of a game can be protested?

A coach can protest the application of a rule within a game.

What part of a game cannot be protested?

A coach cannot protest a judgement call made by the umpires.

To formally protest, how must a coach proceed?

Upon receiving an official protest, the committee will do an initial analysis to confirm the protest is valid for investigation.

Once the committee confirms it is valid, the coach will be notified and must submit the $25 fee along with the details description of the protest before the investigation can begin.

Final decision is made between the RCYSA Committee in collaboration with the Backland Youth Sports League.

What is required within the formal complaint?

For simplicity, use our form link below. It requires the following information:

  • Coach Name
  • Email Address
  • Contact Number
  • Sport (Baseball, Softball, or Teeball)
  • Age Group
  • Team Name
  • Opponents Name
  • Scheduled Start Date / Time of Game
  • Rule incorrectly applied that is being protested

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